How to organize your jewelry

How to organize your jewelry

Sometimes a jewelry drawer can start to feel more like a junk drawer. Navigating a cluttered mess when you're trying to accessorize is never fun, and it may make you want to avoid wearing your gems altogether. If you're ready to take back some control, we've rounded up about a dozen clever storage ideas and tips for how to organize your jewelry drawer that will make this portion of your dresser or vanity more pleasing to look at and easier to navigate.
Here is jewlorem management guide
Save Space for Statements
When shopping for your jewelry drawer organizing system, don't forget to pick up a few roomier boxes for statement necklaces. These boxes also come in handy for storing sunglasses and large brooches.
Use an Egg Carton
Egg cartons make great storage soulions for earings brooches, and rings alike. You can upcycle an old paper carton or purchase a reusable porcelain version.
Store Small Pieces in Ice Cube Trays
Plastic ice cube trays are an affordable alternative to a new jewelry organizing tray. Plus, they are easier to clean than fabric-lined organizers, which is why they are especially great for storing pieces that receive a lot of wear.